The benefits of “decompartmentalizing” resources across the organization

Frederic Dufour / May 04 , 2017

The PlanningForce methodology promotes the decompartmentalization of resources within the different departments.

This decompartmentalization is based on three principles:

The principle of transversality of activities: the planning of activities (projects, productions, programs, …) dictates the planning of resources within the departments.

The principle of resource pooling: resources are allocated where they are most useful at a given time; this, regardless of whether they belong to a particular department.

The principle of globalization of planning: the search for a global optimum supersedes the search for optimums that focus on a particular department or project.

This decompartmentalization and the application of these three principles means that PlanningForce does not plan ‘project by project’ or ‘department by department’, but plans all activities and resources in a single phase.

The planning is thus generated on the basis of global and not particular optimization rules and resources are distributed to the best of their capacities and according to the needs and requirements of production.

The virtuous effects of this approach are numerous: reduction of bottlenecks, better use of the most expensive machines, better smoothing of workloads, global view of all productions, end of over-allocation of resources, reduction of periods of production stress, reduction of recourse to subcontractors or temporary workers, …

The main benefits of this decompartmentalization and global planning are, for a constant scope of resources, the following:

  • Reduction of the average production time
  • Acceleration of new product launches


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