Reenchanting the Enterprise – part 1

Frederic Dufour / Apr 05 , 2015

Viewers in the French-speaking world discovered in January 2015 a very well done documentary directed by Martin Meissonnier: “Le bonheur au travail” (Happiness at work).

Based on examples of companies where traditional codes of governance have been dusted off by charismatic and inspired managers, this documentary invites us to reflect on new ways of thinking and organizing businesses in the 21st century.

Focusing on very pragmatic and organizational aspects of the company’s operations, the documentary subtly established the link between product, market, management techniques and employee satisfaction.

It is here that the link between the theme of this documentary and PlanningForce seemed obvious to and inspired the title of this article “Reenchanting the Enterprise”.

Why the title “Reenchanting the Enterprise”

We have chosen this title because it puts the Enterprise at the center of the debate. Secondly, because it puts the emphasis on an action and therefore on actors. It calls on the Management of companies that have the power to change things. Finally, the verb ‘reenchant’ insists on the importance of ‘reinventing’ the Enterprise in such a way that makes it attractive and a source of satisfaction or even inspiration for all its different stakeholders (employees, managers, subcontractors, shareholders and customers).

How can management “re-enchant the Enterprise”?

Thanks to the preparation of a good strategic plan

Ensuring that the company once again becomes a place of fulfillment is a process that is rooted in the company’s long-term vision. This vision is expressed in a mission and values, but also in a strategic planning.

The conditions for a good strategic planning are a good anticipation of the future needs of the market, but also a realistic appreciation of the company’s capacity to innovate both on the technical and management dimensions. The technical dimension will enable it to assert its leadership, the managerial dimension will enable it to be attractive to its stakeholders.

A good strategic planning must therefore define realistic objectives, i.e. objectives that do not exceed the company’s capacities and that integrate the hazards that the company will be irremediably confronted with. The impact of these various hazards will be measured by means of ‘what-if’ scenarios.

To reflect this indispensable dose of realism, the strategic planning must not be the sole responsibility of the general and financial directors, but must be elaborated by associating the main components of the company, including the sales staff, the engineers and a panel of internal and external operators and stakeholders.

The aim here is not only to involve these different players in the elaboration of this strategic planning, but also to listen to their advice, wishes and even complaints. In addition to the definition of the objectives, the strategic planning will therefore include organizational improvement components and a matching of the means (e.g. financial, commercial, operational and human resources) with the objectives.

Continued from article in Part 2


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